Sponger - Twitter Binding

Access Token Generation

An error occurred. An OAuth access token could not be granted.

Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings in signal:(BIF), __01 => 'OAUTH', __02 => 'Callback URL not approved for this c' (truncated), OAUTH.DBA.parse_response:19, sid => '5f5977f596b76e97ffe7611d586f4a0a', consumer_key => 'obz05JATHBll8oHgRzhBB6tN9', ret => 'Callback URL not approved for this c' (truncated), OAUTH.DBA.oauth_one_authentication_url:41, clientKey => 'obz05JATHBll8oHgRzhBB6tN9', reqTokenUrl => 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token', authorizeUrl => 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize', callbackUrl => 'http://uriburner.openlinksw.com/val/api/thirdparty_callback?state=e89b8a1e48faeab9f9e824903a176621', method => 'GET', VAL.DBA.thirdparty_authentication_url:319, service => 'twitter', data => NULL, callback => 'http://uriburner.openlinksw.com/val/api/thirdparty_callback', successProc => 'DB.DBA.sponger_val_success_cb', errorProc => 'DB.DBA.sponger_val_error_cb', params => (ARRAY_OF_POINTER value, tag 193), scope => 'profile', clientIp => NULL, realm => 'http://www.openlinksw.com/ontology/acl#DefaultRealm'

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